
How to Care for Wavy and Curly Hair--From Unice Advise

Curly hair may look totally carefree, but we have to level with you. There’s actually a lot of work that goes into keeping them healthy and looking good. And how you do that totally depends on your hair texture. Ready to refine your routine? Unice experts provide their most essential curly hair tips for every type out there.

The One Thing All Curly Hair Needs
  For every type of curly hair, conditioning is priority number one. Curly and coily hair don’t get the natural scalp oils that straight and wavy hair get, because curls and texture don’t allow for constant brushing, which is how natural scalp oils moisturize hair.
  More than any other hair type, curls must be conditioned regularly. In fact, even the simple act of shampooing dehydrates curls; the warm water opens the cuticle, allowing the cleansers to flow into the hair shaft and rinse out many of the nutrients. It’s the same thing that happens to your skin after washing your hands – they just feel dry. This is why frequent conditioning should be an automatic part of a curly girl’s hair care regimen.
  Experts recommend regular, twice monthly deep conditioning treatments to keep curls in healthy shape

Wavy to Loose Curly Hair
  What it looks like
“Soft, less defined waves that are approximately 2” wide. Hair is curlier with length,” Stylist says.
  What it needs
Loose curls and waves have the tendency to fall flat. Products that will add life to those looser curls and waves.You may need a mousse or light gel to combat frizz when styling.
A voluminous shampoo and conditioner helps give loose curls and waves needed bounce. Style hair with an ultra-light mousse to define curls and fight frizz. Add a curl-enhancing mist for hold and extra definition helps lock in texture.

Medium Curly Hair
  What it looks like
Hair that is ‘classically’ curly has wide curls with good definition, bounce and lots of volume. Occasionally two types of medium curls are found on one head, a bigger, looser curl mixed with tighter ringlets.
  What it needs
Curly hair is usually soft to the touch, but needs a moisturizing system to keep hair smooth and healthy”. As for styling, you will need products to keep hair defined and frizz free. Classic curls should not use a brush or comb on dry curls which will cause the hair to expand and contribute to frizz.To keep curls hydrated, use a light lathering, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. 

Tight Curls or Ringlets
What it looks like
Tight curly hair is “a mixture of 1/2″ to 1″ wide curls throughout the hair,” while another texture features “tiny ringlets of mostly Z-shaped hair when stretched."
What it needs
The curliest type of hair is also the most prone to dryness and damage, so deep conditioning treatments are important. It generally doesn’t have the protective layer that all other types have, so hair is much more fragile.
Unice experts recommend sleeping on a satin pillowcase to reduce tangles. Also, air drying tight curls or using a hair dryer on low heat with a diffuser works best for this type.

Whether you have slight waves or tight ringlets, remember that the key to keeping your curls healthy and gorgeous is getting personal with your routine. Once you’ve got that down, good hair days are inevitably in your future.

